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Your account was compromised

3 min read

If you have a notification from Instagram in the app that says. It looks like you have shared your password with a service to help you get more likes or followers, which is against our Community Guidelines. Change your password to continue using Instagram. If you share your new password with one of these services, you may be blocked from following, liking or commenting. and its variations, you are not alone.

Tens of millions of Instagram profiles see this IG message “Your account has been compromised,” regardless of whether or not they have engaged in inauthentic activity.

It will look something like this:

No, this doesn’t mean that someone hacked your Instagram account, so don’t panic and instead read on.

How to solve it? #

Here are known ways to stop receiving the IG message “Your account was compromised”:

  • Take a break from “autofollow”, “auto-like” and “auto-comment” activities for at least 72 hours and a maximum of 7 days. auto-like” and “auto-comment” activities for at least 72 hours and a maximum of 7 days.
  • After pausing auto-commenting, you can resume it by using word variations in comments or DMs.
  • Link your Instagram account with Facebook

Let’s take a closer look at each method:

1. Take a break #

Since too much activity on your Instagram will be the most common reason you received the “Account compromised” message, it will be a good idea to take a break from following, liking and commenting.

For how long?

It is recommended to interrupt all activities for at least 48 hours, although in some cases the blockage may last longer, up to 5-7 days.

2. Variations of the commentary/DM # offers full support for text rotation using the spin syntax (or spintax) which is a feature that allows the definition of dynamic texts that can change value each time they are published. This allows you to build more fluid and natural conversations to avoid repetitive messages that negatively affect your automation.

To define a rotating text, simply create groups of values delimited by braces (the characters {and} ) with the options separated by pipes (the vertical bar |).

An example of spintax is:

  • {Hi, thanks for following my profile on Instagram. It’s {very good | great | great | great} to be here together.

This syntax can display any of the following values:

  • Hi, thanks for following my profile on Instagram. It’s great to be here together.
  • Hi, thanks for following my profile on Instagram. It’s great to be here together.
  • Hi, thanks for following my profile on Instagram. It’s great to be here together.
  • Hi, thanks for following my profile on Instagram. It’s great to be here together.
  • Hi, thanks for following my profile on Instagram. It’s great to be here together.
  • Hi, thanks for following my profile on Instagram. It’s great to be here together.

Used when the automatic comment, DM (people) and welcome DM are activated.

If you haven’t already done so, try connecting your personal or business Instagram account with your Facebook page or brand account.

Often, Instagram accounts that receive such a message are not associated with any Facebook account, and Instagram might consider it a trust issue. By addressing it, you are showing Instagram more credibility that you are indeed a real person using an account and not a bot service.

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